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MBCT Specialist Teacher Training

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Professional Training


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Professional Training

  • 5 Days
  • 3rd-7th September 2018
  • Fees  (See + bottom of the page):£485 or £560
  • Room and Local Fees (Single or Double Occupancy):
  • Casa Silva, Barcelos PT
  • English
  • Bangor's CMRP Certificate

The mindful way through depression: Zindel Segal

Course Description:

Specialist Teacher Training in Mindfulness-Based
Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Level 1+

Developing fluency in integrating psychological understandings with mindfulness experiential learning and teaching.
A 5 day residential course at Barcelos, North Portugal offering space for nourishment, inspiration and learning Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

MBCT is an integration of MBSR with cognitive science and in the UK, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recommended that MBCT as a priority for implementation in the health service for people with recurrent depression. The approach is now being adapted through research and careful clinical practice for other client populations. This training will support participants to reflect of their MBCT teaching in terms of personal process and underpinning rationale and intentions.

Essential Points

What is involved?
Taught in the context of a retreat, this training will offer participants an opportunity to focus on the intentions and specifics of the MBCT programme. It will provide an opportunity to develop and refine teaching skills and explore the underpinning integration of modern cognitive science and ancient wisdom. Our time will be spent together both in silence as we practice and in small and large group reflection and investigation, as we learn through our individual and collective experience. Participants will have opportunities to practice teaching skills and to explore the experience and process of this.
Who is the programme for?
The course is open both to experienced mindfulness-based teachers as an opportunity to refresh their personal and teaching practice, and newer teachers who are in the earlier stages of developing MBCT teaching skills. It is particularly suitable for clinicians implementing MBCT in health care contexts, and is relevant to those who want to develop greater clarity about how to attune to and respond to participant vulnerability during mindfulness-based teaching. All participants must have:
  • Personal experience of a MBCT or MBSR course.
  • An established personal mindfulness practice.
  • Ideally have participated in a mindfulness-based Teacher Training Retreat level 1 or equivalent (for example, experience of integrating mindfulness into professional context).
  • Professional background and/or equivalent knowledge and experience of the populations that the programme will be delivered to.
If you are unsure whether the programme is suitable for you please contact eventos.spmbe(at)
Please start arriving from 4.00pm on 3rd September 2018. The final session will end after around noon on the last day, and the retreat will end after lunch, which will be served at 12.30pm.


A. Karunavira

Karunavira is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable instructor that you can find internationally and exceptionally skilled at creating a safe learning environment, supportive and deeply engaging, allowing participants to seek, explore and inquire

  • Karunavira is a Senior Trainer at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) – Bangor University.
  • Director of Mindful Health LLP.

+ Informations about Karunavira: Bangor + CV
YEARS of continuous MBSR & MBCT teaching | +170 8-week courses taught
YEARS of Tai Chi and Chi Kung practice Iyengar Yoga teacher


  • Senior trainer at CMRP Univ. Bangor
  • Trains Mindfulness teachers for the National Health System
  • National Health System Counselling Psychotherapist
  • Chi-Kung Teacher


  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) has a growing evidence base both for its effectiveness and its cost-effectiveness. It is increasingly being cited in clinical guidelines and there is a growing demand from people who wish to participate in MBCT programmes and organisations that wish to offer MBCT.
  • To make MBCT accessible requires training sufficient numbers of quality MBCT teachers.
  • MBCT is a type of hybrid therapy that blends aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness techniques drawn from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program.
  • In general, MBSR can be used by anyone, while MBCT is appropriate for those with specific mental health conditions.
  • The goal of MBCT is to enhance client awareness so that he or she is better able to recognize emotional triggers and avoid being drawn into automatic patterns of thinking and behaving. MBCT is used for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, among other conditions, and is especially beneficial for clients who tend to relapse.
  • This training develops the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to begin to teach MBCT with supervision.It’s also excellent for clinicians implementing MBCT in health care contexts, and is relevant to those who want to develop greater clarity about how to attune to and respond to participant vulnerability during mindfulness-based teaching.

Venue + FAQs

  • Venue + FAQs

5-Day MBCT Specialist Teacher Training

(Fees + Registration)

“Early-Bird Discount”

First 10 Registrations

After 10 Registrations


£485 – approx. €542

£560 – approx. €625

Room and Board and Local Fees (Single or Double Occupancy) Payable in cash upon arrival

  • Fees shown above are in € Euros & Pounds.
  • Room & Board fee is payable in Euros (cash) upon arrival.
  • Registration fee does not include standard room and board charge.
  • Upon submission of your registration your application will be reviewed for prerequisites and you will be contacted when it has been formally accepted.

Share this Training

MBCT integrates aspects of cognitive therapy with components of a mindfulness-based stress reduction program.

It teaches clients to become more aware of, and to relate differently to, thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations; in particular, to view thoughts and feelings as passing events in the mind rather than as necessarily reflecting reality. The program teaches skills in disengagement from habitual (automatic) dysfunctional cognitive routines, especially depression-related ruminative thought patterns as a way to reduce risk of relapse and recurrence of depression. Clinical course participants develop personal documentation detailing warning signs and related action plans, as well as considering how to maintain practices and habits they have found helpful.

Em destaque / Featuring


MBSR Teacher Training

June 18-24, 2017

• Barcelos, Portugal
Faculty: Susan Woods, LICSW and Steven Hickman, PsyD
A Formação é da responsabilidade do Centro para Mindfulness da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego (UCSD CFM)



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Sociedade Portuguesa de Meditação e Bem-Estar | Mindfulness Institute: MBCT Specialist Teacher Training
MBCT Specialist Teacher Training
Sociedade Portuguesa de Meditação e Bem-Estar | Mindfulness Institute
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