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MBSR Teacher Training

6-Day Teacher Training Intensive
Professional MBSR Teacher Training Intensive

UCSD MBPTI | Mindful Way
MBSR Teacher Training Intensive



Steven,Psy.D., is the Executive Director of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist - see more.
Beth, PA-C is a certified MBSR teacher, teacher trainer, and adjunct faculty through the UMASS Center for Mindfulness - see more.

MBSR Teacher Training Intensive

  • 6 Days
  • April 18-24 2020
  • Fees:  $850 to $1050  (See + bottom of the page)
  • Workbook
  • See prerequistes below
  • Barcelos - Portugal
  • English
  • UCSD MBPTI Certificate

Select the Training – MBSR Teacher Training Intensive

It is our mission at the MBPTI that our MBSR trainees are not only being trained to become competent MBSR teachers

but are also being invited to embark on a journey of supporting a particular kind of awareness that demonstrates an inner and outer listening along with a compassionate stance that incorporates a willingness to expand their understanding of what it means to be engaged in offering mindfulness-based programs.

Teaching MBSR

What to Expect

This 6-day teacher training intensive is highly interactive. Throughout the 6 days, trainees will move back and forth from experiencing the sessions of MBSR and working in small groups to begin practicing teaching the various components of the MBSR program under the supervision and guidance of the teacher trainers. Inherent in this teacher training is the necessity of a personal mindfulness practice as a platform from which to teach.

The Delivery of MBSR

The delivery of MBSR requires the teacher to teach from a personal integration of what it means to embody a non-judgmental present moment focus with an understanding of how this supports and strengthens such mind states as kindness, compassion and equanimity. This training will provide the opportunity to strengthen these teacher competences.

The Delivery of MBSR

The delivery of MBSR requires the teacher to teach from a personal integration of what it means to embody a non-judgmental present moment focus with an understanding of how this supports and strengthens such mind states as kindness, compassion and equanimity. This training will provide the opportunity to strengthen these teacher competences.

Didactic and Experiential

This teacher training intensive will integrate didactic and experiential teaching modules. The curriculum includes both large and small group learning, with opportunity for role-play and simulated patient-practitioner encounters. There is daily meditation practice yoga/mindful movement, and periods of silence. The ethical underpinnings of teaching MBSR will be discussed.


  • Articulate an understanding of the foundational principles of the MBSR program
  • Demonstrate the basic MBSR teaching skills
  • Describe the central role of mindfulness meditation practice for general wellness and self-care in the regulation of emotions and behaviors
  • Articulate the rationale for a teacher’s ongoing mindfulness meditation practice in teaching MBSR
  • Develop the skill of being aware of your experiences (good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant) from moment to moment -so that you can learn to respond more skillfully to situations rather than simply reacting automatically.
  • Discuss and outline formal and informal meditative practices and mindfulness as a mode of being in daily life

Participant Guidelines and Prerequisites

It is our experience that successful delivery of MBSR requires facilitators to have a commitment to an ongoing, daily mindfulness meditation practice. To this end we have created recommendations for acceptance to this MBSR training.

Advanced degree or equivalent experience and training, or clinicians in training;
A Participation in an 8-week MBSR program (May be an online program taught by a live teacher)- See more;
Experience facilitating group process;
Personal daily meditation practice and/or a movement practice (yoga, qigong, tai chi);
Have attended a teacher-led silent mindfulness meditation retreat of approximately 5 days 

Will I be qualified to teach MBSR after taking this training?

Feeling ready to teach MBSR raises a number of important questions.

We see this training as the first step in your development as an MBSR teacher
As a result of participating in this training you will leave with basic MBSR teaching skills. However, this retreat training is not an endorsement for teaching the MBSR program. Rather, we believe that preparing to become an MBSR teacher requires additional training elements in order to develop competency and best practices skills.
As a result the MBPTI at UCSD has developed the MBSR Certification Program.
This training consists of two phases: being granted “Qualified Teacher” status is the first phase, which then moves into the second phase which culminates with being granted full certification as an MBSR teacher. For further information, please visit our MBSR teacher certification pages.
It is our mission at the MBPTI that our MBSR trainees are not only being trained to become competent MBSR teachers
but are also being invited to embark on a journey of supporting a particular kind of awareness that demonstrates an inner and outer listening along with a compassionate stance that incorporates a willingness to expand their understanding of what it means to be engaged in offering mindfulness-based programs.
Deepening Teaching and Refining Our Means
This portion may include attention to languaging, intention, methods and theory, but equally likely is that it will lead to self-exploration, possibly looking at deeper issues that may inform our teaching of various aspects of the program. Beyond specific practices and teachings, we will explore holding our seat while in our own “full catastrophe”, working with challenging participants, reflecting with our own expectations around home practice and attachment to specific outcomes.

What can I say when I have attended this training?

After attending the training, you may state: “_____ (your name) has attended and completed the 6-Day MBSR Teacher Training Intensive through the UCSD Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute.”

What can I do when I have completed this training?

Upon completion of this training, you may enroll in the MBPTI as an MBSR Teacher-in-Training. Upon enrollment you will receive a Provisional Certificate of Qualification that indicates that you are a trainee in the institute. This allows you to offer the 8-week MBSR program to the general public under the individual guidance of MBPTI-approved mentors. You may state publicly that you are “Enrolled in the UC San Diego Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute’s MBSR Teacher Certification Program.



This program is sponsored by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This course offers 31.25 hours of credit.

California licensed MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, LCSWs

This activity is an approved continuing education program by the American Psychological Association. 31.25 contact hours may be applied to your license renewal through the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. For those licensed outside California, please check with your local licensing board to determine if APA accreditation meets their requirements.

Social Workers

This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886743125-4741) for 29 continuing education contact hours.


UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16351, for 37.5 contact hours.

In Detail + FAQ

  • What is the MBSR?
  • Required and Suggested Readings
  • Frequently Asked Questions


    1st DAY

  • 17:00 – Start arriving
  • 19:00 – Dinner
  • 20:00 – Evening Session
  • 2nd to 6th DAY

  • 7:45 to 6:00
  • Some evening sessions
  • 7th DAY

  • 7:45 to 12:00
  • 12:30 – Lunch


Steven Hickman

Steven Hickman, Psy.D., is the Executive Director of the Center for Mindful Self Compasssion, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and an Associate Clinical Professor in the UC San Diego Department of Family Medicine & Public Health. His role is to provide oversight, vision, direction and focus for the development and expansion of CMSC around the world. He is also the Director of Professional Training, overseeing the training of teachers from “start to finish” and assuring the highest quality standards and the best possible resources for teaching.  Steve is the Founding Director of the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness, a program of community building, clinical care, professional training and research. He has taught Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for 15 years and has trained teachers of MBSR and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Steve is an MSC teacher trainer, and leads MSC intensives and workshops around the world.

+ Informations about Steven: UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness

Beth Mulligan

Beth Mulligan, PA-C is a certified MBSR teacher, teacher trainer, and adjunct faculty through the UMASS Center for Mindfulness. She has been teaching MBSR for over a decade to diverse populations; from the critically ill, to non-profit organizations, the underserved, educators, and corporate leaders. She currently teaches at the Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine at UCI and Insight LA. Beth teaches the 10-week and nine-day practicum for teachers in training nationally and internationally. Beth is a certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher and teacher trainer and does international training for the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion.
Beth has a background in primary care medicine as a Board Certified Physician Assistant having graduated Magna cum Laude from Duke University and has practiced medicine for over thirty years. She is a long time student of Charles Tenshin Fletcher, Roshi at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center where she has lived in residence. Beth is the Guiding Dharma teacher at Insight Community of the Desert and is a certified yoga instructor.

Beth is the Author of The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness, New Harbinger Publications

+ Informations about Beth: Website

MBSR Teacher Training Intensive

(Fees + Registration)
$100 “Early-Bird Discount” if you register and pay in full on or before August 15, 2019 Early-Bird Rate On or Before August 15, 2019 After August 15, 2019

Portuguese Citizens



Non-Portuguese Citizens



Room and Board and Local Fees Single or Double Occupancy



  • Non-Portuguese Citizens must add $100 to the registration fees
  • Fees shown above are in $ American Dollars, except for Room, Board and Local fees that are in Euros
  • Upon submission of your registration your application will be reviewed for prerequisites and you will be contacted when it has been formally accepted.

Share this Training

The experience of teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is unlike most other experiences in life, and the opportunities for growth, expansion and transformation are almost limitless.

This teacher training intensive will integrate didactic and experiential teaching modules. The curriculum includes both large and small group learning, with opportunity for role-play and simulated patient-practitioner encounters. There is daily meditation practice yoga/mindful movement, and periods of silence. The ethical underpinnings of teaching MBSR will be discussed.

Em destaque / Featuring


MBSR Teacher Training

June 18-24, 2017

• Barcelos, Portugal
Faculty: Susan Woods, LICSW and Steven Hickman, PsyD
A Formação é da responsabilidade do Centro para Mindfulness da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego (UCSD CFM)



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Sociedade Portuguesa de Meditação e Bem-Estar | Mindfulness Institute: MBSR Teacher Training
MBSR Teacher Training
Sociedade Portuguesa de Meditação e Bem-Estar | Mindfulness Institute
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