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The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness

Timeless Teachings for Modern Lives
The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness

Led by Beth Mulligan | Mindful Way

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Professional Training


The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness

  • 8 Weeks - 22nd January - 12th March 2019
  • Tuesdays 7pm-8.30pm GMT / 11 - 12.30 PST
  • Fees:   (See at the bottom)
  • Workbook
  • Guided Practices
  • Everywhere
  • English
  • Access to Sessions Recordings
  • Certificate

The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness: Discovering the Buddhist Teachings at the Heart of Mindfulness and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Deeply embedded in the practice of contemporary mindfulness and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) are concepts drawn from the ancient wisdom of meditative traditions. This course uncovers the essential Buddhist teachings at the heart of this powerful practices, enabling you to deepen your historical and spiritual understanding of Mindfulness, MBSR and nourish your practice.

How It Works


8 weekly online live 90m meeting sessions. You’ll gain a rich set of resources to support your engagement with the course and for your personal use later all from the comfort of your own home. Lifetime access to the program allows you to establish an expert level of understanding and PRACTICE, at your own pace.


You’ll take what you’ve learned in the Teachings and put it into practice. With effective exercises from the instructor, the principles are presented in such a way that they can be applied to your day-to-day.


Group dialogue and discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life, individually tailored instruction, daily home assignments, downloadable home practice audiofiles and a home practice workbook.

Private Group

Beth will create a safe and supportive environment. Buddhist Underpinnings of Mindfulness-Based Interventions, Guided instructions in mindfulness meditation practices, gentle stretching and mindful yoga, group dialogue and discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life, individually tailored instruction, daily home assignments, downloadable home practice audiofiles and a home practice workbook.

8 Sessions Abstract

Session 1 - Orientation & The Dharma of Suffering: It’s Not Personal
Orientation and welcome. Meet your classmates, instructor, and review logistics and expectations for the course. Introduction Mindfulness and the Awareness of Breathing meditation practice.
Session 2 - The Dharma of the Body: What We Resist Persists
The First Foundation of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of the Body. The instructions on the First Foundation of Mindfulness in and of the body go on to invite awareness of postures—sitting, standing, walking, and lying down—as well as a reflection on what the body is made up
Session 3 - The Dharma of Curiosity: What Is Here Right Now?
The way we bring curiosity through our practice may begin to create some spaciousness in our perceptions of our lives, and in our moment-to-moment experience as well.
Session 4 - The Dharma of Awareness: Turning Toward Stress
Stressful things are part and parcel of life itself. It is how we handle these things that makes a difference to the impact they have on our lives. Becoming more aware of the thoughts, feelings and body sensations evoked by events gives us the possibility of freeing ourselves from habitual, automatic, ways of reacting, so we can respond in more skillful ways.
Session 5 - The Dharma of Choice: Finding a Bigger Container
By examining the factors of the Eightfold Path, we are bringing awareness to more and more areas of our lives and have the opportunity to see things from a different and perhaps wider perspective. The Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, which is Mindfulness of Dharmas, invites us to bring curiosity and kind attention to everything that may offer us a teaching.
Session 6 - The Dharma of Our Speech: The Lessons of Relationship and Community
Relationships can bring us the most joy and richness as well as intense suffering. On this session we’re bringing more awareness to what is already operating in our lives with other people—the not-so-helpful habitual ways of relating, as well as the ones that are working for us.
Session 7 - The Dharma of the Daylong Retreat: Exploring Our Hindrances as Teachings
Being in the Quiet—What It Teaches Us | The Five Hindrances—or Are They Guides? | Making a Friend of Restlessness—How We Work with Worry | Seeing Is the Doorway in the Wall | “Ride the Wave of the Crave”—Working with Craving and Desire | Name It to Tame It: Working with Anger | Bobbing Heads and Tilting Bodies: Working with Torpor | Maybe I Should Try Belly Dancing: Working with Doubt | Our Participant Buddhas Touch the Earth | The Three Characteristics of Existence: Impermanence, Suffering, and Non-Self.
Session 8 - The Dharma of Action and Livelihood: Working with Our Ethical Compass
In this session we’re shining the light on the “external” contemplation. This, of course, cannot be truly separated from what is going on internally, but we’ll simply focus on the external aspect a bit more here.

Highly participatory

supportive and structured, the this Program will provide you with:

  • Buddhist Underpinnings of Mindfulness-Based Interventions
  • Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices;
  • Group dialogue and mindful communication exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life;
  • Individually tailored instructions;
  • (Home) assignments;
  • Guided meditations, Workbook and Handouts.
  • The program is challenging and life-affirming.
  • Participating in this Program requires an ongoing commitment to yourself.
  • After the Online course participants are encouraged to practice at home, folowing the workbook and by listening to guided meditations at home – this way you learn, practice and integrate the teachings and mindfulness practice into your everyday life.

Course Schedule

January 22nd to March 12nd
Tuesday | 07.00pm - 08.30pm GMT (London Time)


Session 1 | 22nd

Session 2 | 29th


Session 3 | 5th

Session 4 | 12nd

Session 5 | 19th

Session 6 | 26th


Session 7 | 5th

Session 8 | 12th

In Detail + FAQ

  • What is the Dharma of Modern Mindfulness Course?
  • Technology Requirements
  • Who Can Benefit
  • Notes

Beth Mulligan

Beth Mulligan, PA-C is a certified MBSR teacher, teacher trainer, and adjunct faculty through the UMASS Center for Mindfulness. She has been teaching MBSR for over a decade to diverse populations; from the critically ill, to non-profit organizations, the underserved, educators, and corporate leaders. She currently teaches at the Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine at UCI and Insight LA. Beth teaches the 10-week and nine-day practicum for teachers in training nationally and internationally. Beth is a certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher and teacher trainer and does international training for the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion.
Beth has a background in primary care medicine as a Board Certified Physician Assistant having graduated Magna cum Laude from Duke University and has practiced medicine for over thirty years. She is a long time student of Charles Tenshin Fletcher, Roshi at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center where she has lived in residence. Beth is the Guiding Dharma teacher at Insight Community of the Desert and is a certified yoga instructor.

Beth is the Author of The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness, New Harbinger Publications

+ Informations about Beth: Mindful Way

The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness (Online Live)

(Fees + Registration)
€30 / $35 'Early-Bird Discount' if you register and pay in full on
or before 09th December 2018
On or Before 09th December 2018 After 09th December 2018


€110 / $126

€140 / $160

  • Fees shown above are in € Euros and $ American Dollars.
  • Upon submission of your registration your application will be reviewed for prerequisites and you will be contacted when it has been formally accepted.

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Mindfulness Methods and Medicine

There are some unique features about the way the Buddha offered his teachings. For instance, he did not offer a particular doctrine or dogma, but rather asked people to accept a teaching “only when it agrees with your experience and reason, and when it is conducive to the good and gain of oneself and all others.” In Modern Mindfulness, teachers approach the class similarly. We offer practices in a safe environment, practices which allow participants to access their own inner wisdom. There is very little written material, very little reading, and most of the homework and the class time are spent engaging in meditative practices and then reflecting on what has come up in those practices. We learn together.

Em destaque / Featuring


MBSR Teacher Training

June 18-24, 2017

• Barcelos, Portugal
Faculty: Susan Woods, LICSW and Steven Hickman, PsyD
A Formação é da responsabilidade do Centro para Mindfulness da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego (UCSD CFM)



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e receba o que temos para lhe oferecer!

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Meditação e Bem-Estar | Mindfulness Institute é uma associação científica, sem fins lucrativos, que procura contribuir para uma sociedade mais consciente através do estudo e da prática da Meditação (Mindfulness)...




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Sociedade Portuguesa de Meditação e Bem-Estar | Mindfulness Institute: The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness
The Dharma of Modern Mindfulness
Sociedade Portuguesa de Meditação e Bem-Estar | Mindfulness Institute
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