Alan Wallace, o físico que foi monge. Hoje, além de escritor de quatro livros sobre ciência e práticas contemplativas, ele comanda neurocientistas, sociólogos e psicólogos, num instituto de estudos da consciência, na Califórnia
Depois de apresentar os efeitos doentios resultantes da incapacidade de focar a mente, o autor segue explorando um caminho sistemático de meditação que intensifica a capacidade de manter a concentração. Ao longo do caminho, Wallace cria vários interlúdios, oferecendo práticas complementares para o cultivo do amor, da compaixão e da pureza em nossas vidas. A atenção é a chave que torna possível o acesso à nossa mudança pessoal, e a boa nova é que a atenção pode ser treinada. Este livro mostra como fazê-lo.
Excelente livro
Fica o índice em inglês e um pequeno excerto:
Preface xi
Introduction 1
Stage 1: Directed Attention 13
Interlude: Loving-Kindness 23
Stage 2: Continuous Attention 29
Interlude: Compassion 39
Stage 3: Resurgent Attention 43
Interlude: Empathetic Joy 57
Stage 4: Close Attention 59
Interlude: Equanimity 69
Stage 5: Tamed Attention 77
Interlude: Tonglen—“Giving and Taking” 95
Stage 6: Pacified Attention 99
Interlude: Lucid Dreaming—Daytime Practice 111
Stage 7: Fully Pacified Attention 117
Interlude: Lucid Dreaming—Nighttime Practice 125
Stage 8: Single-Pointed Attention 131
Interlude: Dream Yoga—Daytime Practice 139
Stage 9: Attentional Balance 143
Interlude: Dream Yoga—Nighttime Practice 149
Stage 10: Shamatha 155
Conclusion: A Look Ahead 167
Appendix: Synopsis of the Nine Stages 174
Notes 177
Bibliography 185
Index 191
"Few things affect our lives more than our faculty of attention. If we can’t
focus our attention—due to either agitation or dullness—we can’t do
anything well.We can’t study, listen, converse with others, work, play,
or even sleep well when our attention is impaired. And for many of us, our
attention is impaired much of the time.
People whose attention falls well below normal may be diagnosed with
an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and the most common
treatment for this problem is with pharmaceuticals. The popularity of
Ritalin and similar drugs has increased dramatically in recent years, and the
United States manufactures and consumes five times more of such drugs
than the rest of the world combined. The many detrimental side effects of
ADHD drugs are deemed a small price to pay for suppressing the symptoms
of attention disorders. This materialistic approach to treating ADHD is
enormously profitable for the drug manufacturers, but it is profoundly disempowering
for the individuals who become reliant on them. While our
culture may proclaim “Just say no to drugs,” when it comes to treating
attention disorders, the message is “Go for the quick fix...”